A total of over 1400 Tempests were built, but today there are only 12 left. The majority of those are ex-Indian (the HA serials). Although no Tempests are airworthy there are a number of restoration projects underway.



Mark Serial no. Civilian (Indian) Owner (Location) Status  
II LA607  N607LA Kermit Weeks (Tamiami, Florida USA) In storage Fantasy of Flight HQ, Polk City Read more >>
II MW376 G-BSHW (HA564) KF Aerospace (Canada) Restoration to fly Read more >>
II MW401 G-PEST (HA604) Anglia Aircraft Restorations Stored?  
II MW404 (HA557) Chris Miller (Texas USA) Restoration to fly Read more >>
II MW758 (HA580) H Cooper & M Burg (South Wales Aviation Museum, UK) Restoration to fly Read more >> 
II MW763 G-TEMT (HA586)  Anglia Aircraft Restorations Flying condition Read more >>
II MW810 (HA591) Nelson Ezell (Texas USA) Restoration to fly Read more >>
II MW848 (HA623) IAF Museum (Pallan AB, New Dehli India) On display Read more >>
II PR536 (HA457) RAF Museum (Cosford UK) On display Read more >>
V EJ693 N7027E Kermit Weeks (Tamiami, Florida USA) At Air Leasing Ltd, restoration to fly Read more >>
V JN768 G-TMPV The Hawker Typhoon Preservation Group   Read more >>
TT.5 NV778   RAF Museum (Hendon UK) On display Read more >>



Mark Serial no. Civilian (Indian) Owner Status  
V SN260   Naylan Moore On display at South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum Read more >>



Mark Serial no. History Status  
V EJ530 Shot down on 18 July 1944, W/C Hartley bailed out.   Read more >>
V EJ600 Shot down on 2 October 44, S/L Berry KIA. Parts on display at the International Museum 1939-1945, Netherlands. Read more >>
V EJ603 Shot down on 23 Sept 1944, F/L Wild bailed out. Prop hub displayed in East Essex Aviation Museum + private hands  Read more >>
V EJ626 Lost on patrol on 29 Sept 1944. F/O Faraday KIA. Small part displayed in East Essex Aviation Museum.  
V EJ715 Shot down on 22 December 1944, F/L Williams KIA. Only fuselage parts recovered.  
V EJ803 Shot down on 29 December 1944, F/L Edwards KIA.   Read more >>
V JN752 Shot down on 3 July 1944, F/S Domanski KIA. 
Parts on display at The Romney Marsh Wartime Collection. Read more >>
V NV981 Shot down on 25 March 45, F/O Kalka KIA.   Read more >>


Text sources:
Piet Wintjens
FlyPast August 1998
Aeroplane November 2001
FlyPast January 2002
FlyPast May 2002
FlyPast Jan 2010